A physicist turned folk-pop artist, Doc Landry’s music is inspired by universal and timeless themes. Reminiscent of artists like Donovan Woods, John Mayer, and Jack Jonson, Doc’s music can be best described as easy listening neo mellow folk, pop, and country-folk.
After discovering his voice and a passion for songwriting in his late 30’s Doc turned to Toronto-based producer Les Cooper (Craig Cardiff, Jill Barber, Meaghan Smith, David Myles) to record his first album. Cooper, well known for his string arrangements and timeless production quality, approached Doc’s music with the intent to showcase Doc’s innate songwriting ability. The result culminated in a dozen ageless songs that highlight the emotive and conversational aspects of Doc’s writing masterfully brought to life by Cooper’s acute musical sensibilities.
To date Doc has self-released two 4-song EP’s aptly named ‘Half-Life’ and ‘Thought Experiment’. Collectively the eight songs have garnered a quarter-of-a-million streams with the song The Scenic Route having been licensed to radio and television and the upbeat folk-pop song Evergreen qualifying as a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition.
With a Cooper-produced full album on the horizon, Doc’s will soon be releasing a third EP titled ‘Axiom’. Inspired by Erich Fromm’s timeless book ‘The Art of Loving’, Axiom will feature four singles exploring different perspectives on love including a single devoted to romantic love, self-love, parental love, and brotherly love. The singles are scheduled to be released every 6-8 weeks starting in January 2022.
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